A few ways to keep yourself out of debt, one thing most people try to do and fail at.
1. Never charge something to your credit card, unless it is an absolute emergency.
Only charge to it if you are going to pay it off before the end of the month. A lot of times people do this and end up having to start payments on it. Those interest rates will eat you alive. It may not seem like much because of the low charge they send, but you are not really paying much on the actual purchase.
2. If you want something, save up for it.
It is better to save and earn what you get, rather than to purchase it on a credit card and end up almost doubling the actual price of it. I know that purchasing a house and car may be different, but make sure you are not trying to pay everything monthly.
3. Do not spend more than you actually make in a month's salary.
Actually sit down and come up with how much you make per month. Then subtract all the bills that you have to pay each month and grociers. As well as adding little odds and ends things in there as well, just in case.
4. Find of means of entertainment if it becomes expensive to go out.
There are plenty of things to do, that do not cost money.
5. Limit the places that you drive too.
Limit them to going to work or school and other daily things. Take out the extra trips to the grociery store or anything like that. Make sure that you do most things in one run. Even though the gas prices are going down, this could still help.
More to come.
If you already have a good plan that works or you already do this, keep it up. This will more than likely have different effects on people.
Dont Spend More Than You Make
Keep Out of Debt
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Excellent post, I really enjoyed reading it. For articles regarding debt settlement please visit my blog and request a copy of our FREE D.I.Y. debt negotiation eBOOK.
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